The Best Fitness TikTok Creators to Follow

Dance crazes, lip-syncing, and the most hilarious viral clips, TikTok is a treasure trove of entertainment. Whether you avoided its grasp until lockdown hit or welcomed it with open arms, the social app has taken the country (and world!) by storm.

But did you know it could help you boost your fitness game? Yes, the very best fitness influencers have flocked to the addictive app. Here are the creators you should check out.

best tik tok fitness influencers


Want to try something completely new? If you’re interested in learning to lift, check out The Little Beast on TikTok. Ru is an International Elite Powerlifting and she has a whole load of knowledge to share with you.

From astounding competition clips and inspiration to tips to get you started, there’s plenty to see here. Check out her channel whether you are new to lifting or aspiring to be the next big thing.

the little beast fitness tips


With more than 500,000 followers, Stefana Avara is leading the way on TikTok. Her insightful videos range from busting myths about the fitness industry to giving amazing tips that could change the way that you work out.

It doesn’t end there. The fitness influencer even shares full workouts on her channel, and so it’s worth tuning in. (Plus, there are a few added bonuses, such as her recent deodorant hack. Something for everyone!)


World-famous fitness influencer, Jen Selter is no stranger to the realms of TikTok. Featuring inspiration, fitness moves, expert-backed tips, there’s a whole lot to watch on her channel.

Check out her videos if you’re looking for some gym motivation and want to see how it’s done right. Oh, and if you’re hoping to revamp your eating regime too, look no further.

Selter also offers super simple recipes—from green smoothies to pesto eggs—that you can make from the comfort of your own home. Time to get cooking!


Packing inspiration and a lot of stamina, Demi Bagby is one of the most well-known CrossFit athletes and bodybuilders. The 20-year-old influencer has built a huge following on TikTok for all the right reasons.

You can expect amazing fitness challenges (100 one-handed push-ups, anyone?) and a selection of fun videos. Never one to rest on her success, Bagby has also released her own fitness app, simply called Demi.


Self-confessed health coach meets trainer meets comedian, Daniel Sigler is a man of many hats. His TikTok is filled with simple advice and tips you can put into action right away.

From easy hamstring stretches and ab exercises to insights on how to manage back pain, you certainly won’t get bored with his content. Sigler shows his followers how to take their existing workout routines to the next level in mere seconds. Yes, please.

Daniel Sigler Fitness on tik tok


Whether you love running or fitness challenges, Kate Frump Fitness is for you. Focussing on abs, building upper body strength, climbing, and running, Frump is always on hand to offer the latest advice and share what she’s learnt on her fitness journey.

The fitness influencer is also big into challenges. You can catch her taking part in partner challenges, ab challenges, and even longer challenges, such as eight days of push-ups.


Having developed his own fitness regime, Matt Saxon is the man to follow if you’re looking to bulk up. On his TikTok channel, he shares mini workouts that you can do at the gym, including ab routines, chest workouts, and more.

If you love working out with someone else, he has a selection of couples’ workouts you can give a whirl. Saxon also shares some of his foodie and diet tips on TikTok, including healthy snacks and how to get protein.


With monthly challenges, nutrition advice, and more fitness tips than you can handle, Rebecca Louise Fitness is your one-stop shop for inspiration. Her videos include everything from how to work out when you’re short on time to exercises that will help relieve period cramps.

She even has videos that TikTok users can duet and do themselves for a little extra motivation along the way. Follow her to find out about her amazing journey.


Hailing all the way from Cape Town, South Africa, Kelly Ernstzen is a professional dancer that should be on your radar. Her TikTok channel shows off some of the best dance moves as she follows the latest viral trends.

If you’d rather sweat it out on the dance floor than at the gym, watching her clips is a great place to start. You can expect super high energy, loads of inspiration, and some entertainment to boot. What’s not to love?


Cassey Ho is certainly not the new kid on the block when it comes to the world of fitness. Known for her high energy and fun moves, Blogilates has been around for what feels like a lifetime.

Moving with the times, Ho has created an informative and motivational TikTok channel, featuring all of her best content. If you’re lacking the get-up-and-go you’ve been looking for, the Shorty Award-winning fitness instructor has got you covered.

blogilates tiness tik tok


Looking to boost your fitness routine? The next time you find yourself scrolling through TikTok, take a second to look up some of these fitness influencers.

Once you’ve entered the world of FitTok (yes, you read that right!), you might just get the inspiration you’ve been looking for.
